I've lost my mind in his dimples
and all of my perspective
while I was staring at the dark spot
that sits on his right temple –
a mark that marks
a slice of the darkness
he used to devour
every morning
for breakfast.
He lost all of my fears when
I made the mistake
of misplacing them
in his hands
just for a moment,
while I was laying my soul
inside of his collarbone –
but I'm not going to hold that
against him or myself.
You see,
I'm now scattered
all across his moles –
there's a galaxy made of
everything I ever was
swarming across his skin,
and I know he has a black hole
hidden right under his sleeve.
I'm okay with never getting out.
Să nu te mulțumești niciodată cu zahărul de pe masă atunci când se ascunde miere în dulap. Oricât de greu s-ar deschide borcanul. Sunt fericită și inspirată – nu credeam că stările astea pot coexista.
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