Sunday, January 8, 2017

Cea mai grea tăcere care s-a tăcut vreodată



  1. Sper că eşti bine! Noi, ai tăi cititori, îți simțim lipsa. Ai grijă de tine!

    1. Mă bucur tare mult să aud că blogul ăsta nu a fost dat uitării. Sunt bine, doar că am avut un program atât de haotic în ultimul timp că nu am mai făcut mare lucru în afară de muncă. Sper să revin curând cu texte pe blog. Îmi pare rău că ți-am răspuns atât de târziu!

  2. i have been waiting all this time
    my little ghost friend
    and no answer.

    i just don't understand
    what are you so scared of.
    are you scared that you will fall in love with me?
    are you scared that you might sabotage your current relationship?
    are you scared that we will enjoy ourselves so much
    that you cannot wait till the day we reunite?
    are you scared that a gentle touch
    might make you lose your mind?
    are you scared of a simple passionate kiss
    that is going to be hard to forget or forgive?
    are you scared of not being able to hide
    because i will be there, searching for your touch?
    are you scared that we will gaze into each other's eyes
    and for a moment it feels like we are no longer alive?

    i understand if you are scared
    i am scared as well.
    but sometimes
    what seems scary in the beginning
    it ends up being a great opportunity.

    please stop being a ghost
    and let me meet you.
    silence hurts.

    1. Nu, nu mă tem. Dar e evident că vrei mai mult de la mine decât o simplă amiciție, iar eu nu am cum să-ți ofer mai mult. Și atunci ce rost are?

    2. if you are not scared
      then i don't see why we cannot meet

      it's dangerous to think that
      what's obvious to you
      it's also to me

      i couldn't care less about
      a friendship
      or a relationship
      or anything else that ends in a ship
      all i want
      is to know you

      what's the point?
      you ask
      well, that's a deeper question than you think
      let's just say
      from a million reasons of why two people should meet
      i can't think of any good one
      but i feel
      it's the right thing to do

    3. Ti-am spus mai sus... Vrei ceva ce eu nu am cum sa iti ofer - si atunci nu vad ce rost are.

    4. you keep going with the same old thing
      and it starts to get tiring
      you are right
      i do want a lot
      but i can be resourceful
      searching everywhere
      searching deep and hard
      and when you ask
      the universe provides
      i don't want anything from you
      that you cannot offer
      because that would be unfair
      i have already discovered something
      in my cruel act of persuading you
      a passion to write
      lies or truths
      write stories
      with or without you
      i'm just trying to be warmer with people
      and it can be scary
      for everybody
      it was great writing to you
      and eventually it might end
      i wanted to meet the person that writes
      not the person that is scared
      of having an open discussion
      with a stranger
      and replies with quick harsh answers
      i have made you an invitation
      a long and excessive one
      of knowing each other
      as i have already learned a lot from you
      and i think i can teach you something too
      i have seen in you
      a beautiful lost soul
      and i might be wrong
      but all of us eventually get lost
      i don't want to be your psychologist
      not even your boyfriend
      just somebody you can openly talk to
      damaged souls are brought together
      so they can heal each other
      i have seen that in a film
      you can say no again
      i'm used to it
      at least it was a nice journey

